March 31, 2019
Our Chief Scientific Officer Dr George E Sarris, in a TedxTalk hosted by the University of the Aegean on Syros Island in Greece, outlined the current use and immense benefits of medical 3D printing in personalized highest quality cardiac (and other) healthcare, enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of procedures while, at the same time, achieving significant cost savings. Thus, 3D printing is transforming health care!
Dr Sarris also emphasized the immense potential contribution of this technology to medical education by developing online, “cloud” medical case anatomic libraries of 3D models, accessible to all, as our pioneering and rapidly expanding 3D Life Library already does. In addition, he showed how workshops of surgical simulation using 3D printed models already usher the training of surgeons to a new era. Finally, he described the exciting development of research efforts in 3D Bioprinting, using stem cells, of personalized, custom designed autologous, live implants of tissues and eventually of entire functioning organs, which will eventually bring a revolutionary new era in transplantation!
During the talk, the audience had the amazing opportunity to handle accurate, life-sized 3D cardiac models of real patients created by our company!
We thank the TEDx UniversityoftheAegean organizing team of the University of the Aegean for this opportunity, and for their excellent hospitality!